
- There is no entry fee to submit a design.

- If you are under the age of 18, your design must be submitted by a parent or legal guardian on your behalf

- All designs must be the original creations of the contestant.

- Submissions must not have been previously published and must not contain profanity, trademarks, other organization’s logos, or any copyrighted works of any other person or business.

- Designs must be submitted in .pdf format via email to cheers@nhbaconbeer.com by 11:59pm (EST) on Sunday, March 31st, 2024.

- Winning designer agrees to allow The High Hopes Foundation of NH and NH Bacon and Beer Festival the use of their design, free of charge, for any and all printing and promotional purposes.

- The design should incorporate the existing NH Bacon and Beer logo.

-Designs should not be shared publicly other than emailing to cheers@nhbaconbeer.com. “NH Bacon & Beer Festival” and “High Hopes Foundation of NH, Inc.” are registered trade names of High Hopes Foundation of NH, Inc. A 501(c)(3) organization.

- Contest winner must agree to work with The High Hopes Foundation of NH printer if slight changes/modifications are necessary for production. If not, an alternate winner may be chosen to meet the Foundation’s production deadlines.

- The winning design will be placed on the front of the official NH Bacon and Beer Festival shirts, sweatshirts and/or tank tops which will be sold to benefit the High Hopes Foundation of NH.

- The winning design may be printed on multiple colored clothing items.

- Designs received will be reviewed by the High Hopes Foundation of NH and finalists will be selected for a Facebook vote through the official NH Bacon and Beer page and event page. https://www.facebook.com/nhbaconbeer https://www.facebook.com/events/1411369289741147?active_tab=about

- By submitting an entry, you are agreeing to all contest rules. If you have any questions, please email cheers@nhbaconbeer.com.